O site ArcScripts oferece o download gratuito de extensões desenvolvidas pelos proprios usuários do ArcGis, são alguns milhares de extensões para as diversos programas da ESRI. É possível procurar as extensões por palavras chaves e ordena-las de diversas maneiras. Normalmente junto com a extensão vem algum texto explicativo sobre a extensão e como fazer a sua instalação. Abaixo segue a lista das 10 extensões com maior numero de downloads para o ArcGis Dekstop.
scripts 1-10 of 1430 | |||||
Resort by Title | Software | Language | Author | Modified | Downloads |
Export to KML 2.5.3 | ArcGIS Desktop | Visual Basic | Kevin Martin | Jun 19 2008 | 61433 |
Summary: > SUMMARY: Export to KML is an extension developed for ArcGIS 9.x by the City of Portland, Bureau of Planning. The extension allows ArcGIS users to export GIS data in “keyhole markup language” (KML) format for viewing in Google Earth. Any point, polyline, or polygon dataset, in any defined projection, can be exported. Features can be exported a... | |||||
ET GeoWizards LT | ArcGIS Desktop | Visual Basic | Ianko Tchoukanski | Jun 8 2008 | 30304 |
Summary: ET GeoWizards LT is a set of data processing functions for ArcGIS presented in a user-friendly, wizard type interface. ET GeoWizards LT was created as a subset of the free functions of ET GeoWizards and complies with the requirements for posting on ArcScripts: - It is 100% free. - It is not a sample or a demo. All 28 functions included a... | |||||
Metadata editor, based on FGDC ESRI stylesheet | ArcGIS Desktop | Visual Basic | Denis Pikalov | Apr 14 2003 | 20347 |
Summary: Metadata editor based on FGDS ESRI stylesheet. You can edit metadata elements directly in the Metadata tab in ArcCatalog. Latest version here: http://metadata.boom.ru | |||||
GPSi (GPS Interface) | ArcGIS Desktop | Visual Basic | Owen Earley | Dec 26 2007 | 18853 |
Summary: GPSi (GPS Interface) is an ArcMap Toolbar that allows users to communicate with Garmin ™ handheld GPS units. It was developed to allow users to rapidly download/upload data directly from ArcMap. The software uses the Garmin protocol to communicate with the GPS unit and will not function with other GPS brands. Functionality includes: - Down... | |||||
Add X and Y coordinates of features to Attribute Table | ArcGIS Desktop | Visual Basic | Grégory Bizet | Oct 26 2001 | 16522 |
Summary: Associate the VBA script with a button in ArcMap. Select a point layer (point shapefile or point feature class geodatabase) in the TOC. This VBA script adds two new fields X,Y to the attribute table of the selected point layer and fills the fields with the X,Y coordinates. | |||||
EasyCalculate 5.0 | ArcGIS Desktop | VBScript | Ianko Tchoukanski | Aug 7 2007 | 14977 |
Summary: For more information, more free tools for ArcGIS and ArcView 3.x visit: http://www.ian-ko.com EasyCalculate is a set of expressions (currently 110) for the ArcGIS field calculator. The expressions can be loaded in the Field Calculator and when executed calculate some spatial characteristics of the features, edit the shapes, draw graphics e... | |||||
Geodatabase Designer v2 (9.x) | ArcGIS Desktop | Visual Basic | Richie Carmichael | Aug 26 2008 | 14908 |
Summary: [SOURCE CODE INCLUDED] INTRODUCTION: Geodatabase Designer 2 (GD2) is set of tools to document and exchange geodatabase schema. GD2 also includes an editor for geometric network connectivity rules. PREREQUISITES: 1) ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 9.0/9.1/9.2/9.3 DEMONSTRATION VIDEO: A demonstration video is available post-install. To acces... | |||||
Add area of Polygon | ArcGIS Desktop | Visual Basic | Guoyun Zhou | Apr 19 2002 | 14809 |
Summary: For polygon, many people need to add a new field with area as attribute. Many years ago I had written an avenue script for the purposes. This VB script has the same function for doing so. Questions are welcome at zhou@ies.kyushu-u.ac.jp | |||||
Convert Graphics to Features | ArcGIS Desktop | Visual Basic | Tim Lomas, Stephen Mau (Terrace GIS) | Mar 16 2003 | 13739 |
Summary: This dll will enable a user to save a graphic shape or shapes such as polygons or lines to a shapefile. Works in the Data View window only, not the Layout View. | |||||
Enhanced Shapefile Creator 2.0 | ArcGIS Desktop | Visual Basic | Max Sattarov | Apr 7 2004 | 13472 |
Summary: This extension creates and adds new Shapefiles without using ArcCatalog. This permits customization of Shapefiles in the following way: - Editing the fields collection for the new shapefile (adding new fields, setting their parameters, such as precision and scale for numeric fields, and length for string fields) - Changing the default pro... |